Cels Lime Pickle Recipe

Cels Lime Pickle Recipe

 A few weeks back as I was looking for something sweet-sour

I thought of my Golden Teen years.
I often wondered what "The Bargery Family kids" [ Fundamental Reader ]
meant by' Limes' in a jar in their family owned store ? Sour hard boiled candies I guess.

That took me back to the golden, sunny days sitting on my front door steps with my
Alsatian Dog and white, blue eyes Siamese cat,
 wondering what to do next after a modified hockey game with them,
 my dog the Goalie, and the cat the spectator.

*Keep in mind I was denied joining the hockey team as I was a chronic Asthmatic,
 ..a high risk ..." however, that did not deter me from playing...MY Way" 

Then I spied the jar of Limes on the side board.
My Mum had picked a pail if sour limes from our garden trees and 
pickled them....not the usual hot, spicy ones which  we were used to eating with our

Sharing with you this Lime Pickle which I prepared many times in later years.

1 dozen sour limes,
1 and 1/2 cups vinegar or sour lime juice,
1 cup tea sugar,
8-10 green chillies,
2 inches ginger,
2 onions garlic,
1 and 1/2 dessert spoon salt.

Limes to be quartered, salted and seeds removed an hour before cooking.
The chillies are kept whole.
Finely chop garlic

In a pan, stir vinegar [or lime juice] and sugar, 
place on the stove,medium heat to make a syrup.
Next  add the garlic, limes and green chillies.
Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes.
Turn off heat and take off the stove.

Bottle in clean sterile jars.
Matures in 3 to 4 weeks.

Enjoy as much as I did and still do 



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