Yvette's Famous Beef Samosas - Nova Scotia Style

Dear folks,

I cannot help but post my sister Yvette Muise's Samosa making which has become famous with all friends who have visited Yvette in Antognish Nova Scotia. Her lightning method is remarkable.

As Yvette has kindly posted her recipe, give it a go.
(P.S. Benny quotes 'Very tasty Samosas' I have enjoyed in the past).

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Yvette’s Famous Beef and Peppers Samosas – makes 49

Ingredients: 1 lb lean ground beef, 3 medium size onions, 1 ginger, 3 peppers (different colours one of which is a Jalapeno), curry spice paste, garlic paste, egg roll covers, worchestershire sauce, salt, pepper, oil, Knorr Oxo Beef bouillon (or one packet of Knorr Oxo Bouillon equals .5 bouillon cube), milk and a bottle of vegetable oil.

3 small/medium onions –Helpful hint - if you place onions in glass of cold water first, they won’t sting your eyes. Cut the onions up finely. (Take each onion and cut in one direction and then turn it around and cut in the opposite direction.)

1/2 ginger (roughly 1.5 inches in either direction)– cut up finely – in the same fashion as the onion

2 peppers (your choice of red, yellow or green) and a Jalepeno pepper cut up finely

Use 2 separate fry pans:

Meat Fry Pan

Place 1 Tbsp oil on pan and add meat and stir often so that it won’t clump up, add 1/2 a beef bouillon cube (or1 knox packet)

Add 1 Tbsp of Worchestershire sauce,

Add heaping tbsp. of curry paste

Add salt and pepper to taste.

When beef is cooked well, which is to say, brown and no clumps, take off the heat.

Simultaneously with meat frying:

Vegetables Fry pan.

Place 1 Tbsp oil in pan;

Add the onions, peppers, ginger; garlic mince,

Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 Tbsp. of Worchestershire sauce,

1/2 meat bouillon cube

Heaping Tbsp of Curry Paste, and stir constantly

When fry pans have cooked, turn off the heat and allow to cool – 20 minutes

Then in a large bowl combine/mix the vegetables with the meat;

Egg Roll Covers – Yvette recommends as a short cut for delicious samosas without having to make pastry yourself. You can prepare the egg roll covers as the meat and vegetable mixtures are cooling:

Practical Tip: Place a tablecloth on your table – something you don’t care about that can be easily washed and have a cup of milk available to seal the sides of the samosa:

Brush the 4 sides of the square with milk using a pastry brush.

Place a full tablespoon of the meat/vegetable mixture on each egg roll cover – near the middle of the square so that you can fold the egg roll cover over the meat/veg mixture and the 2 seal-able sides will be almost lined up – but leave an extra 1/4 inch on these 2 adjacent sides to fold up/ press down and seal the simosa triangle (so that the contents do not come out when frying.) Liberally, use milk to seal the sides of the samosa triangle.


Use medium/large skillet, wok or pot and pour in your bottle of vegetable oil. Place your skillet on one of the back burners, and for safety sake secure both sides of the handle (with mugs) so as to make movement of the vessel very difficult. Keep a lid available in case of fire, and under no circumstances be distracted by a phone call or front door bell!! YVETTE IS ADAMANT ON THESE POINTS!

Heat the oil to 350-375 degrees (use special thermometer for this).

Slide (don’t drop) the samosas individually (maximum of 5 in the pot) into the hot oil with fold lines of the samosa up and it will take a minute or so to brown on one side.

Turn it over to the other side with long culinary scissors/tongs – you don’t want your hands near the hot oil. You may have to turn the samosa a couple of times to get the lovely golden brown shade you prefer.

Line a colander with paper towel to catch any oil drip. When a samosa is cooked pick it up from the hot oil with the tongs and stand it along the side of the colander – don’t lay it flat as you want it to be crisp not oily. When cool, place samosas on paper towel lined cookie sheet. Repeat, until all samosas have been cooked.

Dine!! You can freeze left over samosas in seal-able plastic bags, and reheat at 350 degree over for about 10-15 minutes.



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Filling ..... hamburger meat, peppers, mushrooms, onions, 
Lea & Perrin's, Patak's vindaloo paste ..... sealed and brushed
with milk, baked at 400F for 20 minutes ..... very tasty!!

With love …. Yvette

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